Thursday, May 31, 2007

The victims from the 79 AD Eruption

The following photos are of the eruption victims from 79 AD. When the bodies were buried during the eruption, a void formed after the flesh decomposed. By pouring plaster into the void, a casting is made of the victim. The skeleton is trapped in the plaster.

This little boy was found hiding under a table.

This woman was pregnant.

Scenes from Pompeii - the Forum and Mount Vesuvious

Scenes from Frascati

These are just some interesting pictures taken on the grounds of the Villa and in Frascati. The first picture is Rome from the courtyard of the Villa. Other than the very first day, we had hazy, humid and mostly cloudy weather all week. It really never slowed us down, but it made getting good pictures tricky.

This is one of the many Villas in Frascati. The areas is south of Rome and famous for the white wine that bears it's name. Originally settled in ancient times, it became a place for the wealthy cardinals to build beautiful villas during the 15th and 16th centuries. The town was occupied by the Germans during WW II, and it was heavily bombed in 1944. Over half the town was destroyed. The Villa we stayed at was undamaged in the bombing and used to house refugees. The area is now a suburb and weekend destination for native Romans.

It was always more comfortable, temperature wise, in Frascati. Things were a little cheaper than in Rome and we had our best meals here. It was quiet at night and although we were constrained a little by the train schedule, I would stay here again.

There were several cats that roamed the grounds of our hotel. I squatted down to pet this guy and he hopped into my lap.

One thing I love about Italy is the stucco homes and the clay tile roofs. This picture was taken at sunset. You can really see the reflection of the setting sun on the pink stucco homes.

Sunset over the Mediterranean Sea
Rome by night as seen from the balcony of our villa.

Haunted tree at Villa Grazioli

This tree was on the Villa grounds. It looks like a prop for Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter.
Diann looks east toward the Med and the city of Rome.
This tree was hollow through the center. Diann was chicken to get inside.

The Aqueducts

These pictures were taken from the train we would ride every day from Frascati to Rome. the train ride took about a half hour and was one of the best deals in Italy. In the morning, we would grab some breakfast in town and hop on the train. In the evening, we would rest our tired legs and just talk about everything we saw. The aqueducts ran from the mountain lakes south of Rome into the city. The train tracks actually passed under the arches.

We visit the town where "Everybody Loves Raymond was filmed

On our last day in Italy we took the train to Anguillaria Sabazia. It is a small town 45 minutes north of Rome on Lake Bracciano.This is the town where "Everybody Loves Raymond' filmed the two episodes in Italy. I have to admit that it was the show that gave us the idea to go to Italy for anniversary. We love the food, too. The old part of the city is still walled and guarded
by a castle.

Actually, we took the train to Anguillaria, which is a different town. It's actually a 3 mile walk from the train station to the next town. Their is a little orange bus you can take for .65 Euros, but we weren't sure which little orange bus to take. If you ask how far, the standard answer was "2 kilometers." Did I mention that Diann was really tired of walking.

The entrance to the old city.

If you watch the show, you might recognize some of these show locations.

You might recognize this piazza from the show if it wasn't for all the cars.

The small narrow roads never stopped amazing us.

This balcony looks out over Lake Bracciano. It is right in front of the fort.

The steps in Italy are murder. Peoples front doors opened on to these stairs.

The Gelato bar near the lakefront

The old walled part of the town as seen from the fishing pier.
This was the beachfront of the town. Check out the sailboats. I bet this place is awesome in July.

Diann and I debated whether this is the house the Barones stayed in while visiting Italy.

This concludes our pictures. The next day we checked out of the hotel and flew home. We had a great time and would love to go back again some day.