by a castle.

Actually, we took the train to Anguillaria, which is a different town. It's actually a 3 mile walk from the train station to the next town. Their is a little orange bus you can take for .65 Euros, but we weren't sure which little orange bus to take. If you ask how far, the standard answer was "2 kilometers." Did I mention that Diann was really tired of walking.

If you watch the show, you might recognize some of these show locations.

You might recognize this piazza from the show if it wasn't for all the cars.

The small narrow roads never stopped amazing us.

This balcony looks out over Lake Bracciano. It is right in front of the fort.

The Gelato bar near the lakefront

Diann and I debated whether this is the house the Barones stayed in while visiting Italy.
This concludes our pictures. The next day we checked out of the hotel and flew home. We had a great time and would love to go back again some day.
My dad sent me this link. Awesome pictures.
What is the name of that fort or how can i easily location "Ray's Pizza"? Thank you.
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